An emotional move for Marie-Eve Janvier

Marie-Eve Janvier confirmed that her little family had finally moved into the home she renovated during the show A house signed Janvier, at Canal Vie. “We are not yet completely settled in,” she confided. When we walked in, we only had a small portion of our belongings. The basement is a bit messy, and we’re often looking for things. I don’t have enough time to place my things. We’re a bit in camping mode.” Filming the last episode was very emotional. “All my barriers came down in this episode. Even Jean-François was emotional. He told me how proud he was of me and the image I give to our children… It made me break down. Above all, I told them that I was proud to have made a nest for them.” A year later, she is proud to have had this experience. “I loved it, but I might not dive into something as big as that again. I had just given birth, and my boyfriend was on tour, I had minimized the resources around me.” She says she doesn’t want to get back into renovations. “I don’t want to buy a new house, although I have a small project that involves a house. A friend suggested something to me. I will wait until the end of the performances Waitress, but I might be tempted by this project. To be continued!”




PREV social gathering around the Saint-Hubert chapel
NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region