The artist Pablo Raison exhibits at the Conté college in Sées: a return to basics

The artist Pablo Raison exhibits at the Conté college in Sées: a return to basics
The artist Pablo Raison exhibits at the Conté college in Sées: a return to basics


Editorial Alençon

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 11:30 a.m.

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“It’s a beautiful circle that is being completed today,” indicated Samuel Lautru, the principal of the Nicolas-Jacques Conté college has Sees (Orne), in a welcome message to Pablo Raison for the opening of his exhibition.

The one who was educated in this same establishment ten years ago returns to share his original maps and drawings.

The map of Sées revealed

“The college is his home, he can come back whenever he wants,” added Alice Teysseyre, his former plastic arts teacher, who had, at the time, detected his talent on two comic strips and encouraged him to develop your creativity.

While recalling and saluting the career of his former student: literary baccalaureate with plastic arts option then national art diploma at the European School of Image (EESI) in Angoulême.

Asked about the achievements of which he is most proud, Pablo Raison answers without any hesitation: “The map of France and that of Paris, in full confinement. » But also that of Normandy (2022) and his very latest work: the map of Sées created by college students. This creation, from the artist and around twenty students during a workshop at the college, was unveiled during the opening.

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Pablo Raison and the twenty students with whom he created the map of Sées. ©L’Orne hebdo

“Believe in your dreams”: this is the advice that the artist and his former teacher each gave to the auditorium, made up in particular of students. “Don’t stop drawing. It is important that parents support their children in their creation,” insisted Pablo Raison.

His new projects

The 23-year-old artist has shared his life between Orne and Angoulême since 2018, but does not rule out returning to live one day in his original department which he particularly likes.

With his head full of projects, he is currently working on a map of La Rochelle as well as on a “remake” next October of his famous map of France on the occasion of its fifth anniversary, which he wishes to be larger and even more detailed.

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