Salvagnac. Free concert at the Écrin this evening

Salvagnac. Free concert at the Écrin this evening
Salvagnac. Free concert at the Écrin this evening

The team of media library volunteers will receive Nawel Dombrosky and Jessica Rock for a musical show “Women in the kitchen” this evening at l’Écrin at 8:30 p.m. This event, organized by the Tarn departmental media library in partnership with L ‘Oiseau-Lyre Compagnie and the Gaillac-Graulhet urban community for the municipalities concerned, including Salvagnac, is part of the Musique en ballade festival.

The event allows the Tarn public to meet an artist, songwriter and performer for a free concert in their territory. “This festival reinforces libraries in their public service function offering local access to culture and entertainment. An intimate and warm musical moment” is assured at the Departmental Media Library.

If women are in the kitchen, an outdated and provocative title, it is not to prepare delicious dishes but to concoct a mysterious soufflé intended to carry out the heist of the century! Moving from one character to another, Nawel Dombosky is accompanied by Jessica Rock on the piano.

Nawel Dombrosky took his first steps in the theater then on the stages of Parisian cabarets. It was in 2021 that she made herself known by putting Women in the Kitchen, in a show for which she asked Yanowski, from Cirque des Mirages, to write the songs for her. On the one hand, exuberantly funny, when she unsheathes her feminism to shut up those who bring her down too much, ridicules business school graduates or deplores this damn maternal instinct which gives her sleepless nights.

On the other hand, moving in the restraint, tenderness and humanity, when she evokes the former Spanish refugees or thanks her audience for their applause. Thanks to this project, Nawel Dombrosky reaches the semi-final of the Georges Moustaki prize and the final of the À Nos Chansons springboard. She also supports Juliette à la Cigale, Arthur H and Maxime le Forestier.

Reservations recommended at the library 05 63 40 59 02 – 06 21 60 53 23 (by SMS).



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