Nîmes Festival: the Shaka Ponk group supports anti-bullfighting… singer Renaud thanks them

Nîmes Festival: the Shaka Ponk group supports anti-bullfighting… singer Renaud thanks them
Nîmes Festival: the Shaka Ponk group supports anti-bullfighting… singer Renaud thanks them

While the group is due to perform this Friday, June 14 at the Nîmes arenas, Crac welcomed the artists as they got off the bus in the morning.

“Bullfighting is an abomination because it shows the torture and killing of an animal in public, for fun, for laughs.” Frah, charismatic singer of the group Shaka Ponk, has never hidden his opposition to bullfighting, making a series of very vehement outings against this tradition.

Last March, Frah reaffirmed on Instagram, even though his group’s concert at the Nîmes arenas was sold out, that if the group actually came to perform in a place where bullfights take place, it was only to “play music”.

This Friday, June 14, upon the arrival of the artists in the Gard prefecture, the Radically Anti-Bullfighting Committee (Crac) reserved a welcoming committee for the members of Shaka Ponk.

This, while the association announces a demonstration today, at 5:30 p.m. Another support also came to strengthen the positioning of the French rock group in the person of singer Renaud.

While he is currently in Greece, arrested by the federation of struggles against the abolition of bullfighting (Flac), the author of Winner Mistral wanted to send an SMS indicating his sincere thanks to Shaka Ponk for his “public denunciation of bullfighting”.



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