“A French village”, “Engrenages”, “Germinal”… actor Thierry Godard joins the Comédie Française

“A French village”, “Engrenages”, “Germinal”… actor Thierry Godard joins the Comédie Française
“A French village”, “Engrenages”, “Germinal”… actor Thierry Godard joins the Comédie Française

It’s a face and a voice known to viewers of France Télévisions like those of Canal +, featured in the series “Un village Français” and “Engrenages”, among many others, including “Germinal”, “Oussekine” and even “Black Hearts” more recently. Thierry Godard, 57, will also be a new face of the Comédie Française troupe that Laurent Lafitte has just left at the start of the school year. Thierry Godard will become a resident from September 2, the institution announced in a press release this Thursday.

He will take the stage of the Salle Richelieu in the roles of Monsieur Diafoirus and Monsieur Purgon in “Le Malade Imaginaire”, the last play by Molière, in the production of Claude Stratz which will be performed alternately from September 19, 2024.

He played in plays by Beckett and Duras, Büchner, Shakespeare…

A few days before, he will be president of the jury of the La Rochelle fiction festival which is held from September 10 to 15 in the town of Charente-Maritime, succeeding Audrey Fleurot, his former partner of “Engrenages” and star of “HPI “.

Before being a figure on the screens, young and old – we saw him in the cinema in “Juillet August” and “Le Monde d’hier” by Diastème, in “La Sainte Famille” by Louis-Do de Lencquesaing or in “Sans toi” by Sophie Guillemin and will be featured in “The School of Spies”, by Elsa Benett – the actor has played in plays by Beckett and Duras, Büchner, Shakespeare, Molière, Dubillard or Marivaux, Courteline , Strindberg, indicates the Frenchman.

He also had a stint in the Dijon street theater company, seating 26,000. Thierry Godard notably played in “Mademoiselle Julie” by Strindberg in a production by Robin Renucci, playmate of “A French Village”.



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