the guardians of the temple of Louis-Ferdinand Céline

the guardians of the temple of Louis-Ferdinand Céline
the guardians of the temple of Louis-Ferdinand Céline

There are four of them, like the three musketeers. Céline was their passion. Their work allowed the cursed writer to regain the place he deserves in the very narrow circle of creators.

This article is taken from Figaro Special Edition “Céline, A Season in Hell”. Find out in this issue the life and work of a writer as brilliant as he is cursed.

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“Céline, A Season in Hell”.

Le Figaro

François Gibault, the galloping lawyer

François Gibault.

If he had already gone to Meudon, to have dinner there in June 1962 with André Damien, then lawyer for Lucette Destouches, it was following a fall from a donkey that François Gibault returned there a little later , to get back on his feet. The dancer was, it was said, capable of this type of prodigy. Lucette will immediately feel confident with this formidable lawyer. The brilliant young man, a cavalry officer during the Algerian War (he is now a reserve colonel), a regular at Lipp and opera premieres, had everything to appear in a Paul Morand novel. Of Céline he had only read the Journey And From one castle to another. He will become the advisor of Lucette Destouches, the biographer and defender of the writer…

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