Paris: after the success of their first bistronomic restaurant, they are opening a new gourmet address


Thomas Martin

Published on

June 8, 2024 at 11:52 a.m.

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Couple in the city as well as in the kitchen, Camille Coiffard and Maxime Guillemet opened their first bistronomic address in 2021, the Crème restaurant, rue Eugène Süe in the 18th arrondissement of the capital. At the end of May 2024, they embarked on a new adventure with the Cream Counter on the side of the charming and lively rue Versigny: an eating and drinking cellar in the heart of the Jules Joffrin district.

Unmissable truffled croque-monsieur

The decor has been carefully designed to create a warm, friendly and relaxed place. The architect Maurine Maccagno thus worked on these codes through materials and warm colors (dark oak, textured lime on the wall, burgundy joinery) while taking up the codes of the bistro in a modern way.

Sitting on the high chairs, two or (many) more, we feel at ease, welcomed by broad smiles. The menu, too, suggests great culinary hopes. We find the brand of Sévérino Malerba, 28-year-old chef with Anne-Sophie Pic, who runs both addresses.

Here, he offers beautiful plates to share that immediately make our mouths water. No disappointment. THE truffle croque monsieur, Comté, ham and truffled béchamel (15 euros) is a must. There Creamy Burrata and its real homemade tomato sauce (10 euros) also while the Tarama with cod roe and its corn chips (9 euros) will reconcile those who are less aficionados of this dish. Beautiful tableware only adds to the fun.

Next time we’ll go for the 3 cheese Arancini (9 euros), the pistachio mortadella (10 euros) or the French beef carpaccio, parmesan, pesto
and arugula (14 euros).

The essential truffle croque-monsieur (©Clémence Sahuc)

The house is not stingy with beautiful “skittles”, also like Italian Chardonnay (7 euros a glass) or this other Domaine de la Dourbie, from Languedoc (6 euros a glass). The wines remain reasonably priced, from 23 to 35 euros.

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For dessert, the chocolate mousse grandmother’s style (9 euros), just the right amount of sweetness, ends the meal in apotheosis.

Chocolate mousse, a must for those with a sweet tooth (©Clémence Sahuc)

In the meantime, the place has filled up, we chat, we redo the day, we laugh. Camille and Maxime’s bet already seems to have been won.

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