After YouTube, Théodort dreams of other hits


Théodort, in Paris, in March 2024. REAGULAR

Théodore Imad Levisse is only 21 years old, but already has a first career as a YouTuber under a pseudonym that greatly facilitates searches on Google: Théodort. He embarked on a second profession, singer and musician, by publishing, on May 24, a first albumImad, which is inspired by South African electronic music, amapiano. Despite the quality of this first record attempt, his several million followers on social networks are a little angry with him. It must be said that he pulled no punches. In January, he deleted his YouTube channel, effectively orphaning everyone who contributed to his success.

At 13, the teenager already had more than 100,000 subscribers since, three years earlier, he had started to gently make fun of his fellow YouTubers and their videos of their online gaming sessions. It’s funny, a child who makes fun of others. Then, at 18, at the same time as he joined a theater school after his baccalaureate, he recorded sketches and parodied rap stars, from Jul to Booba, via SCH, “this rapper who thinks he’s in a film”. Huge success.

But here it is, Théodort is above all a lover of music and has played the piano since his early childhood in Burgundy. So what he had started as a game, and had made him rich in the process, made him especially unhappy. “It was time-consuminghe sums up in a café near 16e Parisian district, where he now lives. After ten years, I felt like I was out of place. My last videos were a critique, a parody of our Internet world. »

A clean slate from the past

So the young man agreed with his critics and deleted everything, making a clean sweep of the past without denying it. “During all these years, I continued to play music but I didn’t publish anything. And there, I felt that it was the moment. » When he was a child, his parents, a civil servant and health coach, enrolled him at the conservatory in Burgundy. His big brother plays the guitar, he plays the piano. Early, at 7 years old, he composed little songs, asked his father to burn him a CD and made an album cover. A small video camera and intensive use of YouTube on Wednesday afternoons distracted him from his first passion. Finally, it is in 2022, upon returning from a stay in Benin, his mother’s country of origin where he says [se] feel the most peaceful”, that he decided to concentrate on music. His uncle, KS, a local rapper, shared his playlists with him and introduced him to amapiano, South African electronic music, sung in Zulu. He did his research, then downloaded the album by the Nigerian Asake, and it was love at first sight.

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