Army painters > opening of the exhibition Thursday 7 at 7:30 p.m.

Army painters > opening of the exhibition Thursday 7 at 7:30 p.m.
Army painters > opening of the exhibition Thursday 7 at 7:30 p.m.

The Official Painters of the Army are appointed by the Minister of the Armed Forces on the recommendation of a jury made up of officers, artists and specialists from the art world. Currently, 47 artists, including 8 sculptors and 4 photographers, 1 medalist, have the title of Official Painters of the Army, earth specialty.
Their works, far from being the reflection of a school of military painting, are the expression of each person’s style and creativity, their means of expression providing a personal vision of the soldier’s life.
During the First World War, the mobilized “war depot painters” bore witness to life at the front.
The artists are volunteers and volunteers. The variety of missions in or Opex offers painters, sculptors, photographers and medalists a rich field of original and personal expression.
The public will meet some of the greatest contemporary masters and discover an artistic language attributing to the image a versatile, figurative, symbolic or bordering on abstraction, but always aesthetic function.



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