His first name means “messenger angel”. Ael Pagny wears it well. And cultivates it in her profession as a photographer, where she captures emotions to better share them. Of strangers encountered in the street, of nature, of fashion, of concerts, of Tryo, Matthieu Chedid, Mika… At 25, she published her first book and, to all honor, dedicated it to her father, of whom she shares a taste for art, frankness and simplicity. She had started photographing him on his 60th birthday tour, in November and December 2021, to keep track of this anniversary. But the discovery of lung cancer changed everything. His project like their life.
In June 2023, she returned to the studio during the recording of her album of duets and then during her return to stage at festivals. In “Pagny par Ael”, don’t expect any stolen behind-the-scenes or at-home shots, or flashy captions. Just two reports in Mont-Saint-Michel and Portugal, produced for magazines in May 2022 and November 2023. In the last one, the blue sky, the hair and the smile of Florent Pagny returned. As on the face of his daughter, met in Paris before the publication of his work, on November 6.