soon the film on Marc de La Flamme et Le Flambeau?

soon the film on Marc de La Flamme et Le Flambeau?
soon the film on Marc de La Flamme et Le Flambeau?

Better than a third season after “La Flamme” and “Le Flambeau”, Marc could return in a film. Jonathan Cohen is reportedly in full development of this project.

Jonathan Cohen, the Marc of The flame And The torch

We know the comic talent of Jonathan Cohen for a long time. Her Serge the Myth (2016) on Canal+ gave a good idea of ​​its humorous qualities. But even before that with his appearances in Hero Corp (2013-2017), Lazy Company (2014) and Hard (2015), or by participating in the creation of France Kbek (2014). However, recognition among the general public came with The flame (2020)this parody of The Bachelor (and remake of Burning Love) in which he performs Mark, the idiot bachelor whom thirteen women try to seduce. Since then, this role has stuck a little to Jonathan Cohen, notably thanks to cult, hilarious scenes, which immediately entered French popular culture.

Following the success of the Canal+ series, Marc returned for a sort of season 2. A titled sequel The torch (2022)which this time takes up the concept of Koh-Lanta and brings together Marc and former contenders from The flame. Here again, success was achieved. Enough to continue the adventure? Already, in September 2023, Jonathan Cohen (at the creation of the series with Jérémie Galan and Florent Bernard) by answering a question from Pierre Niney (who plays Dr Juiphe in the series) confirmed that he was working on a sequel. However, while we were expecting a “season 3”, it seems that the plan is more like a film.

Marc, the film

Indeed, it is in the middle of a portrait of Paris Match dedicated to Thomas Anargyros, boss of Mediawan Studio, let us discover this feature film project. In fact, the company has many successes in its catalog, such as HPI, Ten percent, Clemand so The flame And The torch. The producers would therefore have validated the development of Marc, the film, presented as “a variation of La Flamme and Le Flambeau“, and on which Jonathan Cohen is currently working. The article by Paris Match unfortunately does not provide further details on the progress of this project. We also do not know if this film will aim to be released in cinemas, or if it will be designed for the small screen. We will have to wait a little longer before having new details on this subject. Until then, you can always review The flame And The torchwhich are available on MyCanal.

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