During the Salon des Arts Plastiques awards ceremony last Saturday, October 5, happy artists took to the stage of the Joséphine Baker room to receive the “Poetry Prize” trophy awarded by the city. The group of Poets from the E. Boué Specialized Welcoming Home was very touched. Indeed, this trophy highlights the richness of their creative energy, it represents a rewarding return which encourages their personal involvement and honors their know-how. It is during the therapeutic workshop sessions with artistic mediation that the people welcomed at the Foyer have the opportunity to break away from the usual discourse to find poetic images, to exist through words, collected in sharing. Viviane Caccavelli, psychologist, has been running this workshop since 2016: “I am very lucky to support these women and men in discovering their riches, buried deep within themselves. It is a real adventure in their imagination, it is good to take time to help them reveal all the beauty of their sensitivity and listen to them put words to their emotions. Congratulations to the Poets who are invited to exhibit their works in the cultural sector during local events. Audrey, Christel, Jules, Lundy, Paola, Stéphane, Virginie expressed their feelings about Poetry: “Imagining words, it gives pep, it’s life, joy, it brings us happiness, and we , we bring joy to others. I feel stronger in my head when I find words that are beautiful. We show what we can do, we say what we want. We feel like we are in a dream. we fly above the clouds, it’s calming.”