Great Mosque of Paris: let’s not play with words and ideas – Licra

Great Mosque of Paris: let’s not play with words and ideas – Licra
Great Mosque of Paris: let’s not play with words and ideas – Licra

Communicated :

We have learned with astonishment of the latest positions adopted by the Rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, Chems-Eddine Hafiz.

Mr. Hafiz has just announced his intention to file a complaint against Philippe Val. In a video interview published by Le Figaro (May 17, 2024), the latter specified that as part of a general reasoning, “Islamophobia” should be understood as a rejection of the radical manifestations of an Islam which does not produce enough counter-fires within it. In context, this statement from the former director of Charlie Hebdo was, according to his words, only expressing his aversion to “those who annoy us and who want us to follow their precepts”.

By attacking the journalist for his “Islamophobia”, Mr. Hafiz himself promotes a double confusion: on the one hand between attacks against people and the free criticism of ideas; on the other hand, between the faithful of Islam and those who promote a sectarian and violent interpretation of this religion.

We recall on this point that criticism of ideas, opinions and beliefs is, in France, guaranteed by the republican principles and the democratic values ​​that our institutions implement. This freedom cannot be diminished either by biased readings or by intimidation of citizens through legal proceedings. Licra assures Philippe Val of all its support and reaffirms its unconditional defense of freedom of expression within the framework established by law.

We are also deeply surprised by the enthusiastic reception by the Rector of Rima Hassan at the Grand Mosque of Paris on May 22. Candidate for the European elections on the list of La France insoumise, this activist defends radical pro-Palestinian positions on the Israel-Hamas war. Through its provocations, its calls for uprising on campuses and beyond, Rima Hassan’s speech contributes nothing to the search for peace. Its extremist positions seem difficult to reconcile with the message that we have the right to expect from a religious institution like the Grand Mosque of Paris. In a message posted on X, Chems-Eddine Hafiz said he was “particularly happy” about this meeting with a woman who “commands respect”. You don’t command respect by fanning the fire of discord.

In the current context exacerbated by identitarianism, racism and anti-Semitism, it is important to demonstrate temperance and responsibility. The instrumentalization of words and ideas carries many risks, including that of inflaming minds, which is, we want to believe, the last of the intentions of the Rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris.

Three years ago, Licra signed a partnership agreement with Chems-Eddine Hafiz and the Grand Mosque of Paris in order to study all possible means to implement to jointly fight against racism, anti-Muslim racism and anti-Semitism. This agreement came to an end on May 19, 2024. De facto stopped for a year, it is therefore now obsolete.



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