“Inform about the precariousness surrounding artists”: the Lorient art school continues its mobilization

“Inform about the precariousness surrounding artists”: the Lorient art school continues its mobilization
“Inform about the precariousness surrounding artists”: the Lorient art school continues its mobilization

It’s a movement that’s starting to catch on. This Thursday, May 23, 2024, students, pupils and teachers gathered again in the premises of the EESAB (European School of Art of Brittany) in Lorient, to follow up on the mobilization started on May 13, 2024, against “the precarization of higher artistic education and the professional field of culture” and “for the creation of a public art and design service”.

This Thursday, the banners made last week were still hanging on the walls. This new day aimed to bring together different players in the art world, like enthusiasts, like Gabriel, a discerning amateur who regularly comes to attend courses offered by the school, and professionals, like Fred Périé, filmmaker-visual artist, who has already called on students from the Lorient art school for the needs of a film. Or even Guillaume, a visual artist by profession, also a temporary teacher at EESAB. Everyone responded to support the cause of the cultural community and higher artistic education. “By meeting like today, we want to inform the general public about the living conditions of artists, the constant precariousness that surrounds them, and the difficulties that arts schools have to face,” explains Aleksandra Ruszkiewicz, the representative Lorientaise of Snéad-CGT (national union of art and design schools).

Inform during cultural events

And that’s not all. Summer cultural events will also serve as support to help them gain visibility. “We want to reach out in order to make them aware of the cause of artists, and inform them about what few people know about the artistic world,” adds Aleksandra. In this sense, a team from the Lorient art school was already present last week for an exhibition at the Pierre Tal-Coat Gallery in Hennebont.



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