Little Thumb who made Amy Winehouse and Muse known in France

Little Thumb who made Amy Winehouse and Muse known in France
Little Thumb who made Amy Winehouse and Muse known in France

– Kem Lalot, the last album you listened to over and over?

Iliumthe first album by Black Pumas but also the album by Slift and Letter to SelfSprints, a young punk rock group that we took the risk of programming to open the main stage on Saturday July 6.

– What title will make you happy?

Immensity, by Andrea Laszlo De Simone. Two years ago at the Trans Musicales in Rennes, dragged by my partner, I took a monumental slap.

– The album you would take to a desert island?

It’s Alivethe double album, marking the Ramones, of rare intensity.

– The song you are ashamed to listen to?

– In the 1980s, I was lulled by the radio. I know some pop songs by heart but I wasn’t really ashamed of them.

– Which group will give you the thrill thirty years later?

– The Beastie Boys which I would have loved to program. Unfortunately, this will never happen because one of the members of the trio, Adam Yauch, died in 2012.

– The song to make you cry?

Teardropa slightly sad title from Massive Attack, with the beautiful voice of Liz Fraser, which I could suggest to my partner for my funeral.

– The group you would have liked to be part of?

– I would have liked to be the drummer for Kiss, a group that had an impact on me during my hard rock period, for its grand comedy side and big tours.

– The artist that everyone loves and you hate?

– I’m going to make enemies (laughs). No, there isn’t really an artist I hate. I sometimes program artists (especially headliners) that I don’t like but it’s important that people can see them in the area. If I only programmed the groups I like, the festival would have gone bankrupt a long time ago or the gauge would have to be significantly lowered.

