Lomepal targeted by a third rape complaint, the rapper still denies the facts

Lomepal targeted by a third rape complaint, the rapper still denies the facts
Lomepal targeted by a third rape complaint, the rapper still denies the facts
ZOULERAH NORDDINE / AFP Antoine Valentinelli, known as Lomepal, here in 2023, is the target of three complaints of rape. He denies all the facts.


Antoine Valentinelli, known as Lomepal, here in 2023, is the target of three complaints of rape. He denies all the facts.

JUSTICE – A third complaint for rape was filed against rapper Lomepal this Tuesday, May 21, according to information from Mediapart. The alleged victim named Marie testified to our colleagues before going to the police station.

This 33-year-old woman with her assumed first name denounces events that took place in January 2017. She met the artist a few weeks earlier and started a relationship with him. On the day of the attack, she explains that she went to the home of Lomepal’s mother, whose real name is Antoine Valentinelli.

After falling asleep, Marie says to be “wake up with a start”, discovering that the rapper “tried to sodomize (her)”. She allegedly begged him to stop several times, to no avail. “ I remember telling myself that I couldn’t scream because I would wake his mother.”she adds.

Complaints in 2020 and 2023

“What is it that you don’t understand when someone tells you no? “, she would also have pointed out to him. “ We know very well what it means when you say no,” Lomepal would have replied. Living too far away to leave in the middle of the night, she ends the night there then leaves very early in the morning. If they remained in contact for a few weeks – Mediapart consulted messages – their relationship ended, adds Marie.

Contacted, Lomepal affirms that the sexual relationship was consensual. “I would never even imagine doing that to someone who was asleep.”, he declared to our colleagues. The singer also spoke about this consensual relationship, according to him, the next day with a friend, which the latter confirmed.

The investigative site also collected the testimony of a second young woman, Billie, who filed a complaint in 2020. The facts allegedly occurred in 2017 in New York, after an evening with friends. Lomepal allegedly followed Billie without her consent to her home in Brooklyn.

Lomepal describes consensual relationships

Despite his reluctance, they started a relationship which became violent. “ He held me tightly by the pelvis, I started to feel fear”, says Billie. Lomepal would then have ” pull hair ” then would have started to “ strangle him.” Like Marie, she would have told him to stop, which he didn’t listen to. Billie confided in several relatives in the following days, which they confirmed with Mediapart.

On this testimony, the rapper denies any violence and affirms that the young woman would never have told him “no or stop”. “That we weren’t in harmony, that this moment wasn’t particularly tender, I can hear it. But what is described there is false”he adds.

Mediapart contacted the third woman who filed a complaint against Lomepal in 2023, but she refused to testify. The rapper once again speaks of a consensual relationship. And insists: “ I know very well that I did not commit rape. »

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