Child of Chekhov and Aeschylus, the incandescent Jean-Luc Lagarce comes back to life in Geneva thanks to five actresses

Child of Chekhov and Aeschylus, the incandescent Jean-Luc Lagarce comes back to life in Geneva thanks to five actresses
Child of Chekhov and Aeschylus, the incandescent Jean-Luc Lagarce comes back to life in Geneva thanks to five actresses

Published on May 21, 2024 at 9:27 p.m. / Modified on May 21, 2024 at 9:28 p.m.

The joy of these downpours that riddle the roof of the Théâtre de Galpon. Like a wink from heaven, in the heart of tragedy. It’s opening night, in this wooden house which looks like a Chekhovian dacha, just above the Arve which carries his insomnia. Five wonderfully united actresses say the words of Jean-Luc Lagarce, those that he released, like an incantation, in 1994, already weakened by AIDS which would soon take his life at the age of 37. Yvette Théraulaz, sovereign Druidess, Sophie Lukasik, sharp as a billhook when the storm presses, the young Nastassja Tanner, Anna Budde and Délia Antonio live I was in my house waiting for the rain to come. And in the room, you become one with this choir.

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