Marie Lys, a soprano who has a personality

Marie Lys, a soprano who has a personality
Marie Lys, a soprano who has a personality

Juliette De Banes Gardonne

Published on May 16, 2024 at 10:55.

She hit the headlines by replacing Cecilia Bartoli at short notice, the queen of vocals in the world of opera. While the ailing mezzo-soprano can no longer play the title role of Händel’s Alcina, it is Marie Lys that the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino – the Florence Opera – calls for help. As much a springboard as a guillotine, these jumping (last minute replacements), as they are called in the profession, require nerves to be in place. In forty-eight hours, the singer ingested the title role by heart for the two expected performances. In the international press, it is a consecration.


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