Embracing tradition – Women of Morocco

Embracing tradition – Women of Morocco
Embracing tradition – Women of Morocco

LMarriage, an age-old institution and foundation of our societal organization, today reveals its most modern facets while honoring its deep roots.

In this issue, we dive into the heart of the universal institution of marriage, through the fascinating prism of our Moroccan culture.

Beyond rituals and customs, we explore the cultural and social changes that are redefining this sacred union. Marriage is no longer simply an alliance between two people, but a mirror of developments in our society.

In this sense, the age of marriage reveals itself as an essential marker of these transformations. In the past, youth was often associated with marital union, but today, more and more couples are choosing to wait, prioritizing personal and professional development before committing to marriage.

The way couples meet has also undergone a significant metamorphosis. If meetings arranged by families were once commonplace, new generations are increasingly opting for autonomous meetings, facilitated by modern technologies. Mutual consent is increasingly becoming an essential condition, reflecting the growing importance of individual autonomy in partner choice.

In parallel with these social developments, this issue explores a less romantic but equally crucial aspect of marriage: the financial aspect linked mainly to its celebration. Weddings, once simple and modest, are nowadays transformed into sumptuous events, often marked by a race for exclusivity and luxury. New practices, sometimes ostentatious, have crept into the celebration of this union, thus creating new challenges for the future bride and groom and their families.

Yet, despite this tendency to spend, we also celebrate the persistence of our traditions. Marriage remains imbued with ancestral rituals, recalling the richness of our heritage and the strength of our community ties.

By exploring this fascinating theme, we recognize the duality between tradition and modernity that characterizes Moroccan marriage today. We honor legacies while embracing innovation.

It is in this spirit that Femmes du Maroc has the immense joy of resuming the “Caftan” saga this year. After an interruption imposed by the global health crisis, the 24th edition of this pioneering event, established over the years as a reference in the world of fashion, Caftan returns and becomes Caftan Week. A new lease of life, a new concept and always an unwavering desire to celebrate this emblematic jewel of Moroccan clothing tradition.

This month, the city of Marrakech will be the setting for a whirlwind of creativity and elegance. Under the inspiring theme “Morocco, land of the caftan”, this edition highlights the deeply Moroccan roots of this unique garment, coming from our ancestral traditions but which has transcended the boundaries of fashion, continually renewing itself thanks to innovation and know-how of Moroccan creators and artisans.



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region