With “the Stolen Brother”, Riad Sattouf is running out of steam – Libération

With “the Stolen Brother”, Riad Sattouf is running out of steam – Libération
With “the Stolen Brother”, Riad Sattouf is running out of steam – Libération


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The author explores the childhood of Fadi, his younger brother, taken from his by his father, who takes him to Syria. But this album, which is in line with the successful series “The Arab of the Future”, this time leaves a taste of déjà vu.

Ten years since everything went wrong. That the Arab of the future and its author, Riad Sattouf, escaped the current regime of comics to join the camp of phenomena. We don’t even dare add “bookstore” as the series has been sold everywhere, even in hypermarkets, a sign of its infinite capacity to leap over the gates, to reconcile comic book purists, museums and curious people who only buy little Mickeys once a year. A madness that the National Book Center summed up, in its overview of the comic book market from 2010 to 2020, by explaining that it was the only series to be able to walk on the flowerbeds ofAsterix. Not necessarily what we imagined for an author’s outpouring of memory on his Syrian youth. The six volumes have sold 3.5 million copies and are now part of the back of every bookstore. The deserved excitement culminated with the publication of the last volume of the series, at the end of 2022, and the Angoulême Grand Prix a few months later. The conclusion, in June, of Esther’s notebooks, his other long-term series, could suggest that Riad Sattouf was preparing to



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