Interview. After “Bienvenue à ”, Andrei unveils his new single

Interview. After “Bienvenue à ”, Andrei unveils his new single
Interview. After “Bienvenue à Rouen”, Andrei unveils his new single


Jessie Leclerc

Published on

Oct. 7 2024 at 8:12 p.m

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After a break of several months, Andreia fan of French pop, is back with a new single titled Do Mi Fa Sol scheduled for October 9, 2024. On this occasion, the editorial staff of 76actu came to meet him. From his beginnings on social networks to his future ambitions, including his love for (Seine-Maritime), the artist reveals himself.

What is this new single, Do Mi Fa Sol, and what does it say?

A : This title had remained in a drawer. After a long break, we’re back with it. As the name suggests, it’s four chords. He’s talking about the healing side of simplicity and a guy who’s stuck in his life, like with these four chords going on a loop.

And what is special about this new single?

A : I wanted a piece more focused on the music and less on the lyrics, contrary to my usual. Do Mi Fa Sol is a rock ballad, a liberating piece. It starts with the voice, inspired by Billie Eilish, then it goes louder like on Sum 41. This sound is a bit like the end of a film, liberation.

And if you had to summarize this piece in three words, what would it be?

A : Honestly, I would say simple, liberating and ballad. And also a stroll in the literal sense, the inner and outer journey.

For the little anecdote, on the networks, you are talking about a hater who, somewhere, pushed you even more to release the sound. Can you explain that to us?

A : Yeah, it’s a hater that I took with humor. He said huge things like “impersonal voice” and “a flat degree is missing”, very pointed things. But that’s precisely the opposite of what I’m trying to defend with this sound. You don’t need to be a genius to be an artist, you just need to be sincere.

Tell us a little about your beginnings in music, how did it all start for you?

A : I have been immersed in the artistic world since I was little, with a violinist dad and a dance teacher mom. I make music with my brothers all the time. I studied cinema and theater, then with COVID I started posting little songs on the networks, and it started there. I’ve been in music for two years now, and I love it. I can do everything, write everything, and I like the regular report to the public.

You were able to do several scenes, even in . On this subject you said “my dream is to stop singing”, what does that mean exactly?

A : I make popular music and I like when people sing along with the artist. That’s what happens sometimes, as we start to listen to ourselves more. When people sing with me, it’s emotion! Sometimes they even sing for me when I forget the words!

Do you have any ambitions for the future?

A : I spent the summer organizing 2024 and 2025. I started writing songs and now we’re getting to fruition, but it’s happening slowly. It’s still unclear, but why not release an EP or even a next album. I would like to be accompanied by a film director and a label, for example.

You have already talked about Rouen with “Bienvenue à Rouen”, but what does this city represent to you?

A : I am sincerely in love with it. I lived in Paris for five years, for my studies, and returning to Rouen did me good. It’s a city that allows ambition when you’re an artist, a city full of culture and it’s a very young city too.

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