“Korea Culture Week 2024”, May 10 and 11 in Rabat – Telquel.ma

LThe Moroccan public will have the opportunity to discover the richness of Korean culture” during this event which offers various programs presenting varied aspects of Korean culture, indicates the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in a press release.

The festivities will begin on Friday, May 10 at 3 p.m. with an opening ceremony, featuring welcome remarks from the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Yeonjean Yoon, and speeches from the guests of honor, the Mayor of Rabat , Fatiha El Moudni, and the president of the Morocco-Korea parliamentary friendship group, Mohamed Hichami.

The opening ceremony will be followed by a performance of “Buch-Eep-chumm”, the traditional Korean fan dance, and a Taekwondo demonstration.

On Saturday, May 11, the Korean speech competition will take place with grand prizes, K-pop shows and the “K-pop Random Play Dance” which consists of dancing collectively to random extracts of K-pop songs.

Visitors will also be able to participate in “a variety of cultural activities carried out by the Korean community living in Morocco”, including Korean food tastings, traditional Korean and mobile gaming experiences, K-beauty makeup sessions and a photo zone to try on Hanbok, the traditional Korean outfit.

Two Korean films with French subtitles will also be screened: Extreme Job (2019), a comedy-action film that was a huge success in Korea with over 10 million viewers, on May 10; And Escape from Mogadishu (2021), an action and escape film filmed in Essaouira, on May 11.

This event will allow the Moroccan public to discover in more depth the different aspects of Korea, which will contribute to “strengthen the rapprochement between the two Moroccan and Korean peoples”.

The Korean Embassy hopes that Korean Cultural Week 2024, a symbol of Moroccan-Korean friendship, will further strengthen “strong ties” connecting Morocco and Korea for over 60 years.

(with MAP)



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region