A Belgian comedian at the Élysée: “I cannot afford to have a diplomatic incident”

A Belgian comedian at the Élysée: “I cannot afford to have a diplomatic incident”
A Belgian comedian at the Élysée: “I cannot afford to have a diplomatic incident”

Lawyer, master of oratory and columnist on Tipik, the niece of the Belgian federal deputy Bertin Mampaka has made eloquence her humorous strength for 5 years. With Gad Elmaleh and other comedians from the French-speaking world (like Roukiata Ouedraogo from Burkina Faso), the 29-year-old actress – second main role in “Employee of the Month” – was chosen to play opposite Emmanuel Macron and a host of heads of state. And this diplomat’s granddaughter, “descendant of five generations of diplomats“, thus combines his two passions which are humor and the world of politics. “I have the impression of going to the center of an environment that makes a lot of noisecontinues the Belgian who had to send her text in advance and was directly validated. I don’t necessarily make jokes about politics but I follow it very closely. I hope they will be attentive and that I will be listened to. I can’t wait to experience this and tell myself… I’ve arrived there!”

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Did you have to adapt your texts to go to the Élysée?

“I cannot afford to make a diplomatic incident. So, I will not necessarily speak of censorship, but rather of diplomacy. I find that it is a synonym. Be aware that I am not going there to winnow anyone it is who is present, because it can be taken the wrong way. We must not forget that they are human beings but above all representatives, so I am no longer coming to bring a piece of my story which, I think, may interest them. Above all, when we see the news, I don’t even know if the President has room in his brain for a joke but we will try to find one in any case (smile) !”

The opportunity to send a message?

“It’s very difficult given that the text is read beforehand. And we have so many messages to convey. And at the same time, is it possible to convey a message to politicians without being political? It’s This is where it gets complicated… They have a perception but as soon as it hits close or far, they are afraid of an incident. They are therefore much more careful here than if it had been a private event. trying to promote the French-speaking world, through culture, up to the Élysée It is therefore more a question of symbolism. We must show everything except selfishness and ensure that it goes as well as possible. possible so that, behind them, they are not closed to the idea of ​​comedians for others.”

After the final of the Grand Oral on 2, Laetitia Mampaka dreams of teaching in Mons

A 4-minute passage: a real challenge to make people laugh!

“It’s indeed very, very short. To talk to all these people about the French-speaking world, it’s tough. There is my country of origin which is the Congo and Belgium. So, potentially, I would have so much things to say… It’s a bit frustrating 4 minutes, I’m a big talker (smile) ! But, at the same time, it allows us to get to the point. I will place my CV as best I can, represent myself. Four minutes is still four minutes more than the majority of people who won’t get it.”

“We are recognized everywhere except at home, in Belgium. This imposter syndrome hurts me a lot”

Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in diplomacy like your family?

“I wouldn’t know how to do it. Today, it’s too late. I have learned to express myself freely and not have any censorship whatsoever. I know that diplomacy, politics, is is a lot… not tongue-in-cheek but you have to be very careful about the way you speak. A number of times I was able to speak with diplomats and they told me that I didn’t have the right to give my voice. opinion. My job is to give my opinion. Never say never. But today’s me doesn’t see how.

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Humor is an art finally recognized thanks to this summit of the French-speaking world. Would there be a Belgian touch?

“We are known for being very benevolent, for being very self-deprecating and for being naturally happy to live. The problem is that we are recognized everywhere except at home. I don’t think it’s a source of pride for us. seeing so many Belgians outside Belgium, this impostor syndrome, as if we ourselves could not decide on our stars of tomorrow, hurts me a lot. It is a very difficult feeling to live with, not being able to. claim your colors loud and clear There is this phrase that I have been told so many times: small country, small mentality. I find it scandalous to talk about yourself like that. is great. We are the country where we are truly the mother of artists, but not the father of artists. This limits me in claiming my Belgianness. Most of the opportunities that I have had have arrived. because I’m associated more with France (60% of its community is French, Editor’s note) than with Belgium. And it’s a shame because we have something to be proud of. You have to be the favorite Belgian of the French to become the Belgian of the Belgians. In France, it’s the French who lead the dance but I can’t wait to make their boss laugh (smile) !”



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