Major disagreement between Jean-Pierre Foucault and Béatrice Dalle in “What an era!”

Major disagreement between Jean-Pierre Foucault and Béatrice Dalle in “What an era!”
Major disagreement between Jean-Pierre Foucault and Béatrice Dalle in “What an era!”

This Saturday, October 5, the host and the actress were invited to the set of the 2 talk show presented by Léa Salamé.

This Saturday, October 5, France 2 broadcast in the second part of the evening, as usual, a new issue of “ What an era! », talk show presented by Léa Salamé. During the show, Jean-Pierre Foucault and Béatrice Dalle, both guests, expressed some disagreements.

Indeed, when Léa Salamé asks Jean-Pierre Foucault if he would have any advice to give to the television presenters who are shown to him in photos, the host did not hide his enthusiasm when the portrait of Pascal Praud appeared on the ‘screen. “ I love Pascal Praud. I know I’m going to make some of you jump around the table “, he said.

Before explaining why he appreciates the CNews journalist so much: “ I like his outspokenness and his general knowledge. He is sometimes accused of being right-wing or far-right, I don’t know, it doesn’t matter to me. I enjoy listening to him and watching him. Above all, it doesn’t change anything “. Words which were quick to make Béatrice Dalle react. “ He’s saying that he’s right-wing or far-right, if there’s one thing to change, it’s mostly that, right? “, she retorted to Léa Salamé.

Also read
Jean-Pierre Foucault will take his first steps in a TV film

To which the host replied without an ounce of irritation “ This is what we call plurality, there are many left-wing people here around the table ». « It bothers me less », interrupted the actress. Before realizing that he loved everyone. “ Maybe not you », concluded Jean-Pierre Foucault with a tone of laughter.

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