“I try to take it easy as best I can, but it’s not in my character”: Salvatore Adamo opens up about his state of health

“I try to take it easy as best I can, but it’s not in my character”: Salvatore Adamo opens up about his state of health
“I try to take it easy as best I can, but it’s not in my character”: Salvatore Adamo opens up about his state of health

“Knock on wood, but everything is fine, starts Belgian with our colleagues. I regained my breath and my energy. The pulmonary edema disappeared thanks to diuretic treatments.”

Last June, the DH met Salvatore Adamo after a few dates which had gone well for the singer. Today, he takes stock of his last scenes. “I’ve done six concerts, including the Grand Rex, and it’s okay. I try to slow down as best I can, but it’s not in my character. It’s always been a total gift, to be worthy of this privilege that I have to still be able to sing in front of an audience and do what I love.”

Stage adaptations

Despite the return of good health, the singer of Italian origin still had to adapt his time on stage. Less time singing and that doesn’t please Salvatore Adamo too much. “At the Grand Rex, in June, I spent two and a quarter hours. It was reasonable… Well no… The problem is that people come from very far away to hear a song. It would be pretentious not to play it. And I want to introduce my new pieces,” he tells Le Parisien.

“I wasn’t of much use while I wasn’t singing”



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