Happy Danica, a sixth Parisian victory

Happy Danica, a sixth Parisian victory
Happy Danica, a sixth Parisian victory

From the last to the front! Still in last position in the race 1,000 meters from the finish, Happy Danica benefited from the wake ofHede Darling to get closer then defended herself magnificently in the final phase against Greek (2nd) in the Prix Banque Caixa Geral de Depositos (Prix Ovidius Naso), a great European event contested this Sunday in (2,700 meters). Winner for the sixth time on the course, the resident of Alexis Garandeau (who was present at the racecourse, where he won with Logger Star) was associated for the first time with the very fit Pierre-Yves Verva (118th success of the year). “It’s a little bombdeclared his pilot into Christophe Meyer’s microphone. When I shifted her, she jumped. She is very efficient even if she is a bit naughty. As she left, she took a few galloping strides even though I didn’t ask her anything. This is undoubtedly what made us win the race since then, we had to endure the rearguard before being able to progress in the wake ofHede Darling who brought us back to a plateau.” Hede Darling precisely, who was the favorite of the event, finished fifth.



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