Your free horoscope sign by sign from September 28 to October 4, 2024 by Christine Haas

Your free horoscope sign by sign from September 28 to October 4, 2024 by Christine Haas
Your free horoscope sign by sign from September 28 to October 4, 2024 by Christine Haas

VIDEO – Here are your predictions for the week, for each sign of the zodiac. The astrologer gives you your perspectives in love, wealth, work, family and health.

The sky constantly comes alive. The planets have always been moving and will move forever. They relate to the planets in your chart and form aspects that are interpreted and described in your horoscope.

Every week, find your free horoscope with Christine Haas (Instagram: @chrishaasoff) on the website Figaro with TV Magazine .


March 20-April 20

Social life

The atmosphere will not be serene, especially around the 2. A discussion risks turning sour (native of the 2e decan). Your interest will really be to add water to your wine.

Emotional life

You could fall under the spell of a person who will have a very mysterious side. You won’t be able to pin it down at all and maybe that’s what you’ll like… It’ll be like a challenge and you’ll love it!


April 20-May 20

Social life

There will be very susceptible people in your circle. Avoid making comments. They will seem innocuous to you but they will be misinterpreted by your interlocutors.

Emotional life

You will receive beautiful aspects on the romantic level. As a couple, your partner will know how to show you their feelings and reassure you. Single, leave the house, accept invitations, you never know…


May 20-June 20

Social life

The new Moon on the 2nd is in gentle Libra, a sign with which you have excellent relationships. Have confidence in your ideas, they will be unanimous (2e decan)!

Emotional life

Would you have any views on a colleague, a neighbor or someone you meet in your daily life? Send him little signals to let him know that you would like to get to know each other better.


June 21-July 22

Social life

You won’t have to worry too much in the coming days. That said, you may also be tense because of a move or work in your environment.

Emotional life

The planets are aligned, especially if you’re looking for a soul mate. Come out of your reserve because your chances of meeting someone are real. Some of you will even have a big crush.


July 23-August 23

Social life

Everyone will come to confide in you and ask you for advice. You will be a bit like the complaints office! But it won’t displease you… You like to feel useful.

Emotional life

It is not excluded that one of your exes will try to reconnect with you. Why not as long as you don’t return to his arms! Remember to remember all the reasons that pushed you to break up.


August 23-September 22

Social life

You will have to pull out all the stops to convince a client, or a banker because you are looking for financing. In one way or another, you will address topics related to money (2e decan).

Emotional life

Communication will be the cornerstone of your relationship. The more you communicate in an open and caring manner, the more in tune you will be with the people you meet.

Read the fileHoroscope: Christine Haas reveals her predictions, sign by sign, for the week


September 22-October 23

Social life

There is a new Moon this week, in the 2e decan of your sign. It invites you to redouble your efforts to impose yourself on a superior or a parent. Fortunately, you won’t run out of comebacks.

Emotional life

You will take other people’s problems very seriously, even a little too much. Your support will be much more effective if you can keep a cool head and not let their emotions overwhelm you!


October 23-November 22

Social life

Several planets circulate in your shadow sector. It’s a good week to take a step back from a situation or a person. You will see it more clearly afterwards.

Emotional life

The planet of love (Venus) will reach your 2e decan and form aspects that evoke both desire and stability… This bodes well for your personal development, whether you are in a relationship or not.


November 22-December 21

Social life

Would you be on bad terms with one of your friends? It seems so. Don’t say anything out of anger. You might end up biting your fingers afterwards.

Emotional life

You will have the unpleasant impression that you are being kept secret. Will it be reality or a figment of your imagination? The only way to be sure is to ask the question openly.


December 21-January 20

Social life

At work or with family, we won’t make your job easy! Not only will you be put under pressure, but you will also have to put up with the bad temper of some people… It is high time to say stop.

Emotional life

A friendship could take an unexpected turn and gradually transform into a more intimate relationship. Don’t try to control your feelings, let life carry you along.


January 20-February 18

Social life

You will have busy days. But you will really appreciate this atmosphere which will allow you to get out of your routine. You won’t have time to get bored!

Emotional life

Your partner will be too intrusive for your liking. And if you are single, it is a friend or a child who will have a possessive attitude towards you. Either way, make it clear that you need space.


February 18-March 20

Social life

Your sign is associated with procrastination. Because you tend to bury your head in the sand when faced with annoyance. You will prove that you are also capable of great reactivity!

Emotional life

Your romantic relationships promise to be intense and passionate, with all that this can entail, positive and negative. Try, as much as possible, not to get carried away (2e decan).



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