Fabrice (Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe) explains why he didn’t want to oppose Lola too quickly

Fabrice (Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Tribe) explains why he didn’t want to oppose Lola too quickly

The new season of Koh-Lanta has been in full swing on TF1 for a few weeks. This edition marks the return of two emblematic candidates in the TF1 survival game, Frédéric and Ugo. In the duels between the yellow and red tribes, it is for the moment the tribe led by the winner of Koh-Lanta, The Sacred Fire, who holds the rope, after two eliminations among the reds. However, the understanding is not at its best among the yellows. Fabrice has expressed his exasperation about Lola on several occasions. The latter almost risked playing for her place in his team and ending up in the cursed tribe.What is the hardest thing to do? Koh-Lantahunger? No, seeing Lola’s face and hearing her“, he said in a conversation with Michel.

Fabrice (Koh-Lanta) believes that Lola was not doing enough on the yellow camp

In an interview he gave to PuremediasFabrice returned to his enmity for Lola. If the candidate confided that he had wanted to discuss with all the adventurers to get to know them, he immediately felt that Lola did not share his interest, which led him to be wary of her.And in fact, quickly, from the second day, I realize that there is no interest at all in this person when I speak and that, as I say later, that she interrupts me, that she talks about other things, that she speaks louder. So it was something very, very, very difficult for me to live with,” he explained. This is not his only grievance against Lola, whom he also reproaches for her lack of involvement in the camp.You can imagine that when we return to the camp, we are not going to sunbathe on the beach. So when we return, everyone is busy“, he notes. “And I didn’t find that Lola was acting in the sense of bringing something to the camp. Afterwards, it was me with my critical eye at that moment of the game”he adds.

Fabrice (Cough-Lanta) preferred to wait to oppose Lola as a strategy

Fabrice confides why he did not want to express himself openly about what he reproached Lola for. He feared for his place in the game. “When you live in a community, in a group, you are careful to listen and let everyone express themselves. And I especially did not want to bang my fist on the table and impose myself because, firstly, I was not in a good position following my admittedly poor performance in the first event. And secondly, because from a strategic point of view, going to Koh-Lanta to blame someone openly from the start, that’s not done. So I stayed there to endure a little bit of this atmosphere which, for me, weighed on me“, he assumes. Ilyesse, himself, explained why he had changed his mind about the young woman.


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