When does weight gain stop and how to lose weight effectively?

When does weight gain stop and how to lose weight effectively?

The arrival of menopause marks the beginning of a major transformation for a woman’s body. Indeed, these metabolic and hormonal changes can cause several sometimes annoying symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, absence of menstruation or weight gain, particularly in the abdomen. But don’t worry, this stops after a while. We take stock with Bérénice Suard, dietician and nutritionist.

Menopause causes many changes, including a new distribution of fat. Fat is no longer stored in the thighs or hips, but instead moves to the stomach. Hormonal changes can also affect the feeling of satiety. In addition, the body eliminates fat less easily, which is why women tend to gain a little more weight during menopause.

But menopause is not the only cause of weight gain. The body ages, loses muscle mass and calories are harder to eliminate. With age, it is also possible that physical activity is less intense: the body then has more difficulty eliminating the excess.

There is no specific peak in weight gain from menopause onwards. The increase in weight over a woman’s life seems to be rather linear. From menopause onwards, one in two women complains of weight gain. Statistics show that weight gain at the time of (…)

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