Cancer patient warns of risk from breast implants

Cancer patient warns of risk from breast implants

This is the story of Susan Axelby, 68, who recently received a large settlement from Allergan Limited. The cause? The woman developed anaplastic large cell lymphoma following BIA-ALCL breast implants. According to the BBC, the UK has received 106 reports related to the surgery, involving six manufacturers. As a result, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is currently collecting data on the women affected.

“I don’t think so much about myself – I’m almost 70 – but there are young girls who, because they wanted breast augmentation, are taking risks.”

In her first broadcast interview, Susan recounted the ordeal she went through on the show Woman’s Hour BBC Radio 4. Although her case is very rare, she still wanted to speak out in order to raise awareness and warn others who might have recourse to this type of implant. “I don’t think so much about myself – I’m almost 70 – but there are young girls who, because they wanted a breast augmentation, are perhaps walking around with time bombs,” she said. “They have no idea what’s in their body now – and if it happened to me and a few other people, you know, they can be affected by it too.”she added.


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