A former Koh-Lanta candidate reveals all the secrets of the filming of the TF1 show!

A former Koh-Lanta candidate reveals all the secrets of the filming of the TF1 show!

In 2019, Brice was eliminated after 25 days in Koh Lanta: The War of the Chiefs on TF1. This year, while the channel is broadcasting the 26th season entitled The Cursed Tribethe former adventurer has decided to lift the veil on the behind the scenes of the filming of the cult show, through a series of messages published on the social network X. Since September 3, he has continued to reveal “infos” drop by drop.

Tips, tests… The amazing workings of production

Among the many topics discussed by Brice, we discover secrets concerning the famous advice: “Know that in general the time spent in the council is at least 2 hours, with your ass sitting on a piece of wood…it’s horrible in real life. If you knew… Denis (Brogniart, editor’s note) asks us tons of questions, my poor friend. (…) When we go to the council, we sleep on the council island because boats are not allowed to sail at night! We sleep on wooden mats and we have a coconut to share for the whole team! It’s less comfortable than our camp! On gives us fire if we have already done so on the camp. Here I speak for my season but depending on some countries, boats can sail at night! For me in Fiji, it was not the case! But in any case we redo the debrief on our camp“.

For those who do not understand the explanations of Denis Brogniart before each event, rest assured: “Before the event begins, a member of the production team shows us the course we have to do in slow motion!“. But the details unknown to the public do not stop there for the tests: “When you take the boat to go to a raceve, the boat is covered all around us to disorient us and have no idea where we are going“, he wrote again. “When we find ourselves in the game of the test facing another team, we are forbidden to speak to each other! Looks are exchanged between us, nothing more!“. That’s not all: “QWhen we arrive at the final jury residence, after reunification, we still have no contact with France! We don’t have our phones, no computers, no TV. We are also not allowed to drink alcohol. We are forbidden to talk to the staff of the establishment who must not know why we are there. We are being watched by a member of the production“.

Hygiene, body odor, snakes… Brice says it all!

When you brush your teeth for the first time (me after 25 days), you notice that they are not dirty at all since you don’t eat anything! On the other hand, your mouth stinks and you could kill an elephant at 15 m. (…) We don’t have shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste or soap! We are also not allowed to use well water to wash ourselves“, explains Brice, who confirms that the water in their bottle is fresh and suffered a real disappointment when he arrived on the island: he had planned to use it to wash himself! Despite this, Brice was not bothered by body odors: “Oddly enough, our bodies don’t stink though! We just smell like fire!“. The former candidate also admits to having pursued Mohammed with a very dangerous snake (a striped sweater, editor’s note): “He had a phobia of snakes! But I quickly stopped because the adventurers (rightly so) were afraid that an accident would happen! (…) The production made me understand that if I ever caught one again, they would send me back to France!“. Finally, Brice mentioned the conditions of arrival and departure of the adventurers: “As soon as we are eliminated, we are accompanied by a psychologist that we can call by phone 24/7 from France! Before arriving on the island, a psychologist also judges whether or not we are ‘fit’ to leave!“.


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