Affair, brothel… New accusations from Switzerland

Affair, brothel… New accusations from Switzerland

revelations – A former prostitute from Geneva had assured to have seen the priest in his brothel more than thirty years ago, without really being heard

The case resurfaced thirty-four years later. In 1990, a prostitute working in a brothel in Geneva, Switzerland, had mentioned the regular presence of Abbé Pierre in her establishment. The shocking statement was made live on French television. “The owner told us: come and look through the keyhole of the bathroom, there is someone waiting their turn. It was an abbé, it was Abbé Pierre and I saw him,” Grisélidis Real had said on the show “Ciel mon mardi”.

At the time, this testimony was not received with much credibility. The son of this prostitute turned poet even explains that his mother had been subjected to harsh criticism and threats after her revelations, assures RTS. While accusations of sexual assault are multiplying against the man who called himself Henri Grouès, this testimony is now proving more credible. After three initial testimonies from an internal report targeting the priest in July, 17 new accusations of sexual violence were revealed at the beginning of September.

If Swiss radio does not provide new evidence regarding the presence of the founder of the Emmaüs community in the m(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: What did the Church know when it exceptionally opens its archives?
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: Bishops deny having “wanted to hush up” the affair
Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault: The cleric admitted to having “given in to the force of desire”


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