RN MP Christine Engrand’s scandals embarrass her party

RN MP Christine Engrand’s scandals embarrass her party

Enough is enough – RN vice-president Sébastien Chenu is ready to drop MP Christine Engrand in the event of a new dissolution after her story of personal expenses and her driving despite an invalid license

Oops, she did it again. Relatively unknown until last week, the RN MP for Pas-de-Calais, Christine Engrand, continues to make people talk about her, in a bad way. After Médiapart revealed the liberties that the elected official had taken during her first term with funds from her parliamentary reserve, here she is caught driving without a license. Two blunders for which the MP will have to explain herself to her party executives.

Christine Engrand had pleaded the “clumsiness” of a first term when it was revealed that she had used taxpayers’ money to pay for her subscription to a dating site or the funeral expenses of a loved one. The MP had sworn to have reimbursed the amounts unduly used and promised that it would not happen again.

A license invalid since 2009

Except that she didn’t take long to make another (big) mistake. On Friday, the elected official was stopped by the police while she was on the phone while driving on the A16 motorway. Banal, certainly, even for an elected official of the Republic who is supposed to set an example. Except that, according to the Parisianthis minor infraction allowed another, much more serious one to be discovered. By putting his name on the file(…) - 20minutes

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