Second Division Volleyball Coach Jailed, Accused of Raping a Minor

Second Division Volleyball Coach Jailed, Accused of Raping a Minor

Violence – The coach of the women’s team of Pays Viennois, in Isère, was indicted in Mulhouse. He is suspected of rape of a minor and acts of torture and barbarity.

The Elite Women’s season, the equivalent of the 2nd division of volleyball, is due to resume on the weekend of September 21. With which coach for the Pays Viennois team? Its coach was indicted in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) and imprisoned, for rape of a minor and acts of torture and barbarity, we learned Friday from the public prosecutor’s office. Maximilien de Parmentier, aged 37, has been in pre-trial detention since Thursday.

The victim, now 18 years old and who has been subjected to these attacks since she was 13, speaks of perverse and sadomasochistic relationships. She filed a complaint at the Mulhouse police station in July. “To date, only one victim has been identified,” according to the prosecutor’s office in the Haut-Rhin city.

“The investigators have of course worked on his environment and in particular the volleyball clubs in which he may have officiated. He was indicted for rape of a minor and acts of torture and barbarity. He apparently had sadomasochistic fantasies that he imposed on her since she was 13. The very young victim, not sharing this fantasy, suffered acts of sadism. This young adult is today destroyed. The man has partially admitted the facts,” specifies the same source.

Facts spread over four years

(…) - 20minutes

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