We read “Infinite Life” and were so close to Jennifer Richard


LITERARY BACK TO SCHOOL – “La vie infinie” by Jennifer Richard was published in August 2024 by Philippe Rey

Alain Raimbault, author, blogger and contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends “La vie infinie” by Jennifer Richard, published on August 22, 2024 by Éditions Philippe Rey.

His favorite quote:

“You will explain to me how we will still be able to support each other, if we become immortal,” he continued. “Everything must disappear, to take on its full value. Have you never wondered why the gods of Olympus hated each other so much, when they are of the same family? How can you accept a father obsessed with sex if you have no chance of seeing him die? An ugly and lame husband, chained to you until the end of time? A daughter so sure of her beauty that she is constantly naked? If they did not know love, it is because they did not know death.”

Why this book?

Because Adrien embodies the desire for everything technological. For him, the future is digital. All spheres of society must let themselves be invaded for their own good by virtual reality. He pushes the idea to the point of hoping to digitize his mind in order to become immortal, to erase time. This transhumanist desire is pushed to excess. Adrien uses the possibilities of digital technology to the maximum in his daily life, and his daughter Zoé of course prefers her virtual friends. She prefers(…) - 20minutes


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