Boulanger had data of tens of thousands of customers hacked

Boulanger had data of tens of thousands of customers hacked

Cyber ​​attack – The high-tech brand was the victim of “an act of cyber malice” with limited consequences according to it

This Monday, customers of the high-tech chain Boulanger received a worrying message in their mailbox. A message explaining that the company’s servers had been attacked and that customer data had been stolen.

“During the night of September 6 to 7, Boulanger was the victim of an act of cyber-malicious attack on some of our customer information,” Boulanger explained in the email sent to its customers that 20 Minutes was able to consult. The brand assured, this Monday, that “the incident has been contained” and that the websites as well as the brand’s application “are functioning normally, in complete security”.

For sale on the Dark Web

However, the attack was not without consequences. Boulanger acknowledges a data leak on X: “The data recovered are only delivery addresses. No customer banking data is affected,” the brand reassures, however.

However, the leak is not insignificant since the database contains no less than “28 million lines”, according to the magazine. The computer worldwhich specifies that it is already for sale on the Dark Web. For his part, the “nice hacker” SaxX had warned on Saturday about the hacking of “+ 27M accounts”. He also considers it “difficult(…) - 20minutes

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