Overcharging, poor workmanship… An audit highlights maintenance work in colleges

Overcharging, poor workmanship… An audit highlights maintenance work in colleges

Education – A call for a strike was launched this Tuesday to demand the creation of jobs and the renovation of buildings in colleges in the Seine-Saint-Denis department.

Problems have been highlighted since the start of the school year. According to an external audit consulted by AFP, failings concerning colleges in Seine-Saint-Denis have forced the department to tighten its control of its establishments and to dismiss one of its agents.

Failure to comply with procedures, overcharging, maintenance work not carried out… While the past school year was marked by a social movement demanding resources for schools in Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest area in metropolitan France, a report has highlighted waste in the renovation of aging colleges for which the department is responsible.

A new call for strike this Tuesday

The state of the establishments worries the FSU-CGT-CNT-SUD inter-union, which launched a new call for a strike this Tuesday to demand the creation of jobs and the renovation of the buildings.

In February 2023, a specialist firm listed numerous shortcomings in the work undertaken based on interviews with principals or after visiting the site.

Overcharging discovered

“Many of our interlocutors express the feeling of a curative and provisional logic of “patching up”, “covering up misery”, without long-term treatment, (with) interventions (…) - 20minutes

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