Swine flu: detection frequencies of influenza A variants differ between countries | Succeed pig

Swine flu: detection frequencies of influenza A variants differ between countries | Succeed pig
Swine flu: detection frequencies of influenza A variants differ between countries | Succeed pig

Since 2018, the Ceva Animal Health laboratory has centralized flu analysis data carried out with its support in several European countries.

Read also: The flu is very present in pig farms in the Great West

These data are summarized on a map that can be consulted on the internet by country, year and subtype. “ The data shows us that the situation is different from one country to another, despite common borders and sometimes significant flows of animals between countries. », notes Agnès Jardin, veterinarian and technical manager of the pork range at Ceva Animal Health. In , out of 77 viral detections carried out in the laboratory in 2023 and 2024, 54% of them reveal the H1avN2 subtype.

Read also: “We have mastered the clinical signs of swine flu”


This is more than the serological prevalence observed in the Great West by the Anses-Ceva study. “ These analyzes are carried out using nasal swabs, oral fluids, tracheopulmonary probes or lung tissue samples taken mostly from herds showing clinical signs attributable to influenza. », Explains the veterinarian. “ They especially highlight the circulation of viruses with a marked clinical impact, such as H1avN2. “. The two other subtypes detected in France are H1avN1 (36%) and H1pdmN1 (9%). H1avN1 is isolated less frequently than before in France: In 2019, it represented 62% of influenza A strains recorded by Ceva Animal Health.

However, the flu crosses borders

In Denmark, for the years 2023-2024, the H1avN2 subtype (also called the “Danish” strain) is predominant (49% of the subtypes detected in this country), but H1pdmN1 is much more present than in France ( 35%). Another variant from the 2009 influenza pandemic (H1pdmN2) is also present in this country (8%). “ This subtype has only been detected in a few farms in the north of France so far. », notes Agnès Jardin. It is difficult to prevent influenza subtypes from crossing borders. In fact, this disease is not regulated and there are no specifications requiring animals to be flu-free. “ Quarantines for imported gilts to control legally contagious diseases likely limit the spread of influenza from one country to another », points out Agnès Jardin. But nothing imposes a quarantine for imported piglets.

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