The Alzheimer Research Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary with a new visual identity

The Alzheimer Research Foundation is celebrating its 20th anniversary by presenting a completely redesigned visual identity, the result of a collaboration with the WNP Anomaly-alliance agency. A change which symbolizes the evolution and ambitions of the Foundation: those of becoming, in the minds of the French, THE reference in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

A visual identity centered on scientific research

In order to embody the great specificity of the Foundation, focused above all on scientific research, the new logo is a compact and powerful block which places research at the center of its identity. With modern and fluid typography, it integrates a stylized microscope in the second “ C ” of ” research »… Also playing the role of “ I ” In ” fondatIon » !

The color palette was chosen to reinforce the visual impact of the Foundation. Dynamic purple (Pantone 527 CC) represents both power and healing. While fresh, calming green evokes rebirth and progress.

Photo credit: Alzheimer Research Foundation

Jean-Luc Angélis, Director of the Alzheimer Research Foundation, comments: “ This new visual identity is much more than a simple logo. It is an affirmation of our renewed commitment for the next 20 years. We wanted a symbol that embodies our daily mission: to put scientific research at the service of the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Because only research will make it possible to knock out Alzheimer’s! »

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He adds: “ After 20 years of commitment to Alzheimer’s research, recent advances bring hope which more than ever strengthen the determination of the Alzheimer Research Foundation to defeat this disease. »

This identity is gradually being adopted at the start of the year on all of the Foundation’s communication media. Whether it is the website, social networks, printed publications or even advertising posters.

The Alzheimer Research Foundation, constant dedication

The Alzheimer Research Foundation was created in 2004 by two French doctors. Let us cite the neurologist professor specializing in Alzheimer’s disease Bruno Dubois, and the psychiatrist and geriatrician doctor Olivier de Ladoucette.

Photo credit: Alzheimer Research Foundation

Located within the Pitié-Salpêtrière in , the Foundation is now recognized as being of public utility. Its mission is to support research into Alzheimer’s disease, the so-called ” related » and to develop knowledge on the subject. In particular thanks to clinical research: that is to say patient-centered.

Photo credit: Alzheimer Research Foundation

Since its creation, the Foundation has provided financial support of 24 million euros to more than 175 researchers in and Europe, with the main objectives of developing early diagnosis and effective treatments. The leading private financier of Alzheimer’s research in France, it received the IDEAS label in 2024.

The Foundation organizes the Alzheimer Interviews, general public conferences which allow the latest therapeutic data and perspectives on developments in Alzheimer’s disease to be shared.



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