The French love the detective series from France 3, proof number 3450. On Tuesday, the public channel placed itself at the top of the evening’s audiences thanks to “Grilled Chickens”. 3.71 million viewers watched the new episode of this detective series hosted by Barbara Cabrita and Samuel Labarthe on average until 10:35 p.m., according to Médiamétrie. This is only the third unpublished version of this fiction since the pilot was broadcast in April 2022.
The market share (PDA) of the entire public aged 4 and over present in front of their television set is 20.3%. On the other hand, it is only 4.5% for women responsible for purchases under 50 (FRDA-50), proof that fiction has only appealed to an elderly audience.
Note that 1.65 million people stayed until midnight to watch the rebroadcast that followed (16%). France 3 therefore had more viewers in the second half of the evening than its big sister in prime time!
1.42 million citizens for the “Charlie Hebdo” evening on France 2
TF 1 follows with a new rebroadcast of “Fifth Element”. 3.14 million moviegoers watched this huge international production by Frenchman Luc Besson, starring Bruce Willis, who stars alongside Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman, Ian Holm and Chris Tucker, or 19.8% of the overall audience. But the front page can rejoice in being very well in the lead on the FRDA-50, with 35.2% market share on this essential target for its advertising revenue, excellent on Tuesday evening.
France 2 closes the podium with 1.42 million citizens watching “Charlie Hebdo, 10 years later: can we still say everything? », big live evening to commemorate the attack of January 7, 2015 against the satirical weekly presented by Caroline Roux (8.4% of the public).
The public channel beats M 6 which disappoints with the big return of “The Island: l’île du bagne”. Only 1.16 million people watched the return of this adventure game with Loury Lag, successor to Mike Horn. The overall market share is only 7.1%. It climbs to 15.8% on the FRDA-50, which saves the channel’s evening.
In the evening, C8 is ahead of TMC, TFX, Canal + and Arte
C8 is in the lead on the TNT side with “Le Discours”, the excellent French comedy by Laurent Tirard, carried by Benjamin Lavernhe, but also Sara Giraudeau, Kyan Khojandi, Julia Piaton and François Morel. 640,000 viewers got involved in the game, or 3.7% of the public (also 3.7% on the FRDA-50). In the evening, C8 is ahead of TMC, TFX, Canal + and Arte.
Note that the Canal group’s free channel, which is due to close its doors on February 28, performed even better in prime time access. 1.53 million people watched “Touche pas à mon poste” by Cyril Hanouna, from start to finish, with a peak of 2.34 million in the last 15 minutes. The market share is 7.7% overall (and 8.1% on the FRDA-50), well ahead of the talk shows of TMC (6.5%) and France 5 (5.7%).