Why does alcohol cause hangover headaches?

Why does alcohol cause hangover headaches?
Why does alcohol cause hangover headaches?

Alcohol consumption, despite its toxicity, is not well tolerated by our body, thus causing various effects, often painful. Do you know how to minimize these negative effects?


  • Alcohol remains toxic to the body despite a genetic mutation promoting its detoxification.
  • Hangover symptoms are caused by intoxication of the body and dehydration.
  • There is no miracle cure for a hangover.

The effects of alcohol on our body

Even though humans have been consuming alcohol for millions of years, our bodies are not really adapted to this substance. Indeed, alcohol is toxic to our body despite evolution which stabilized a mutation in our genome making an enzyme 40 times more effective at detoxifying alcohol.

The consequences of excessive alcohol consumption

When alcohol is ingested, it quickly passes into the bloodstream and affects various organs, including the brain and liver. The effects can be varied, from a feeling of euphoria to a characteristic drowsiness. However, waking up can be painful, recalling the excesses of the day before and the more or less severe intoxication that results. Indeed, the liver is responsible for breaking down alcohola task that can prove difficult in the event of excessive consumption.

Hangover symptoms

A hangover is nothing other than a form of intoxication of the body. It is mainly due to dehydration resulting from the body’s effort to eliminate alcohol. This can result in headaches, a feeling of heat, disruption of blood sugar levels and an inflammatory response. “Even very good wines give you a hangover”specifies researcher Christophe Lavelle.

Hangover remedies

Unfortunately, There is no miracle cure for hangovers. Only diet seems recommended to lighten the liver and rehydration to compensate for the water lost during the elimination of alcohol. While some products promise to reduce the effects of a hangover, none have been scientifically proven. It is also not recommended to consume alcohol to relieve pain, as this will only postpone the problem.




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