What are the real effects of artistic or cultural activities on our health? The researchers’ response

What are the real effects of artistic or cultural activities on our health? The researchers’ response
What are the real effects of artistic or cultural activities on our health? The researchers’ response

The British government has carried out major research, the first of its kindaiming to quantify the impact that arts and heritage can have on physical and mental healthas well as the monetary value of the benefits they provide.

The arts relieve pain and depression

People more sensitive to art and culture perhaps already know this particular, pleasant or even comforting sensation that can trigger a play, film, concert or art exhibition. A feeling that probably really means something, since it’s now official: ‘consuming’ culture is good for health and well-being.

According to this study, commissioned by the British government, going to an artistic event or participate in a cultural activityeven occasionally, confers a series of “important” benefits which can include relief of pain, fragilitydepression and drug dependence.

“Engagement in performance-based arts such as plays, musicals and ballet, and particularly participation in music, is linked to reduced depression and pain and better quality of life,” said Matthew Bell of Frontier Economics, co-author…

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