This activity, acclaimed by neuropsychologists to preserve your memory, can be adopted immediately

This activity, acclaimed by neuropsychologists to preserve your memory, can be adopted immediately
This activity, acclaimed by neuropsychologists to preserve your memory, can be adopted immediately

Most of the time we write on a computer. However, it is in a handwritten way that we should do it to maintain our memory… This is in any case the result of a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology and relayed by Psychology.

Write by hand rather than on the computer to stimulate memory

To achieve this result, the neuropsychologists asked around twenty young people to transcribe fifteen words in three different ways: by handwriting, typing on a computer and drawing. During the experiment, participants’ brain activity was measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG).

Thus, researchers observed that handwriting and drawing stimulated the brain, while this was not the case with typing. In detail, it was the activity of theta bands in the parietal regions that was particularly stimulated. These are areas related to learning and remembering new information.

This is not the first study to advocate the virtues of handwriting. Work published in 2021 in the journal Psychological Science showed that it improved the speed and efficiency of learning, compared to typing.

Sleep, eat and move to maintain your memory

To maintain your memory, it is therefore recommended to write by hand. But that’s not the only thing to do. Indeed, a healthy lifestyle is also very important: balanced diet, regular physical activity, social activities and even sleep.

Experiments have shown that sleeping improves memory, and this is even more true the longer the sleep duration, noted National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm). Conversely, sleep deprivation (less than 4 or 5 hours per night) is associated with memory problems and learning difficulties.

So, this summer, make some good resolutions for your memory: eat fruits and vegetables, do sports, sleep as much as possible and write postcards to those around you!



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