This seemingly harmless habit could be a sign of brain cancer

This seemingly harmless habit could be a sign of brain cancer
This seemingly harmless habit could be a sign of brain cancer

With 3,500 new cases per year, brain cancer represents 1% of cancers, making it a rather rare cancer. It is difficult for researchers today to precisely define the causes of the appearance of a brain tumor. The environment and heredity in some cases could explain it. Brain cancer does not always present symptoms. If some appear, several parameters come into play such as the size of the tumor, its location, and the speed at which it develops.

Brain cancer: this seemingly banal habit could herald the disease

In the journal Parade, neurologists revealed that a seemingly ordinary habit could be a sign of brain cancer. Constantly trying to relieve a persistent headache by any meanswhether through over-the-counter medications or isolation in the dark, could actually be a sign of brain cancer. Persistent headaches, especially severe headaches of new onset, with or without nausea, vomiting, or blurred vision, should be discussed immediately with a doctor instead of relying on herbal remedies. “Over-the-counter headache medications,” explained Dr. Mina Lobbous.

People who are not prone to migraines should be particularly concerned. « Headaches accompanied by nausea in a person who has no history of migraines should be evaluated immediately for a brain tumor. ” said neurologist Dr. Jose Carrillo. Neurologist Dr. George Al Shamy further clarified his colleagues’ explanations by adding that these headaches ” are usually continuous, normally generalized and worse in the morning and when bending forward. »

Brain cancer: what can be the symptoms?

The National Cancer Institute has listed some signs that can indicate brain cancer:

  • Headaches (cephalgia), linked to an increase in pressure inside the skull ;
  • Epileptic seizures, linked to a disruption in neuronal activity;
  • Functional disorders, directly related to the location of the tumor and the functions managed in this area of ​​the brain. These can be vision problemspersonality changes, difficulty coordinating movements or finding words…

If you have any of these signs, you should refer it to your doctor in order to avoid any unnecessary concern or to have appropriate tests prescribed.



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