More than a quarter of “healthy” over-60s actually suffer from this silent disease

More than a quarter of “healthy” over-60s actually suffer from this silent disease
More than a quarter of “healthy” over-60s actually suffer from this silent disease

Heart disease is sometimes silent. This is what a study published by theEuropean Heart Journal. According to the results of the examinations, more than a quarter of people over the age of 60 in good health and without symptoms suffer from undetected heart valve disease. Blood flows through the heart and the rest of the body in only one direction, the researchers explain. The four heart valves control the direction of blood flow. Heart valve disease occurs when one or more heart valves do not work as they should. Either the valve does not open completely or it does not close properly. These problems can put extra strain on the heart and make it work harder. Over time, this effort can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other heart diseases.

A risk that increases with age

Scientists from the University of East Anglia in England examined 4,237 people aged 60 and over from three regions of the United Kingdom. The volunteers were assessed with a health questionnaire, a physical examination and an ultrasound scan of the heart. Our results showed that more than 28% of these adults suffered from some form of heart valve disease, although, reassuringly, they were only mild in the majority of cases. », (…)

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