Researchers identify the possible cause of the increase in cancers among young people!

Researchers identify the possible cause of the increase in cancers among young people!
Researchers identify the possible cause of the increase in cancers among young people!

Numerous studies prove that the number of cancers among those under 50 has doubled in twenty years. Researchers have just identified the possible cause of the increase in these cancers. We will explain everything to you.

Cancers on the rise among those under 50

According to a study published in September 2023, the rate of cancer among those under 50 has significantly progressed between 1990 and 2019. According to the results of scientists, the number of cancers per 100,000 inhabitants among people under 49 years old in the world has increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019. This represents an increase of 79%.

The type of cancer also changes. If before, the cancers that most affected men were those of the testicles and brain tumors, today, scientists note an increase in colorectal cancer. France is not spared from this increase.

According to Santé Publique France, cancers of the pancreas, colon, skin and kidneys are increasingly more common in patients under 50 years old.

Researchers have also just identified a possible cause of the increase in cancers among young people.

Accelerated biological aging

For a study, researchers from Washington University in Saint Louis studied the causes that could explain the early appearance of these cancers. They thus deduce that this increase would be due to the increase in biological age.

Biological age corresponds to the aging of the body, unlike chronological age which is calculated based on the date of birth.

“Biological age refers to the state of a person’s body and physiological processes and is considered changeable”explains in Ruiyi Tian, ​​lead author of the study.

Exposure to certain factors such as Sedentary lifestyle or smoking can negatively affect this biological age.

To arrive at these results, scientists examined data from around 150,000 people. Biological age was then determined using nine biomarkers present in the blood such as glucose or the number of white blood cells.

Accelerated aging would increase by 42% risk of early-onset lung cancer. For uterine cancer and gastrointestinal cancer, the risk of early onset was respectively increased by 36% and 22%.

With this research, scientists hope to implement interventions aimed at slowing down this biological aging process. Previous work suggests that following a healthy diet, practicing physical activity or quitting smoking could contribute to this.



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