Losing weight can protect you against more than 13 cancers

Losing weight can protect you against more than 13 cancers
Losing weight can protect you against more than 13 cancers

Researchers have indicated that obesity is associated with a higher risk of more than a dozen cancers. The cause ? This is believed to be largely due to excessive levels of hormones, such as estrogen and insulin.

“Treat obesity as a chronic disease”

The results of their study, made public on June 21 in the journal Diabetesshow that losing weight can reduce an individual’s risk of developing certain cancers, such as breast, kidney, ovarian, liver and pancreatic cancers. “This study reinforces the importance of treating obesity like a chronic illness, says researcher Dr. Kenda Alkwatli, first author of the study and a clinician at the Cleveland Clinic. “We hope that these results can help us better understand how we can use weight loss to treat comorbidities, notably cancer in obese patients”adds the specialist. For the study, the electronic health records of more than 100,000 patients were evaluated, including more than 5,300 who developed cancer. The researchers then observed changes in BMI at intervals of three, five and ten years before the cancer diagnosis and compared them to controls.

Weight loss may also protect against skin cancer

Researchers have found that losing weight can reduce the risk of developing most cancers (…)

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