Fight against sickle cell anemia: ADS-Madani launches its activities

Fight against sickle cell anemia: ADS-Madani launches its activities
Fight against sickle cell anemia: ADS-Madani launches its activities

“Neonatal screening, a hope for improving the quality of life of sickle cell patients”, this was the theme of the launch of the activities of the Association of sickle cell patients and sympathizers-Madani (ADS-MADANI), this Saturday June 22, 2024 , in Kati Sicoro, Cité ATTBOUGOU 600 Housing. This meeting, which was part of the international day to combat Sickle Cell Disease, was under the patronage of Ms. Mama KONE, president of the Network of Cultural Organizers of Mali.

It was the representative of the Ministry for the Promotion of Women, Children and Girls, Ms. DIARRA Dinguiraye Ibrahim MAIGA, who launched the activities of ADS-MADANI.
It was in the presence of the interim deputy general director of the Center for Research and Combating Sickle Cell Disease (CRLD), Pr. Yéya known as Sadio SARO; the former MP for Kati, Honorable Adam SIDIBE; the representative of the Tériya-ton Association, Siriman COULIBALY; of the President of ADS-MADANI, Saoudatou KONE and its other members.
In his remarks, Saoudatou KONE, made it known that life is often merciless, especially in the event of a serious illness, such as sickle cell anemia, which could change or mark our existence forever. She took the opportunity to pay tribute to her older brother Madani who was torn from everyone’s affection by this disease which spares neither child nor woman and even man. She explained that Madani was a person beloved by all, and a boy full of life and great generosity.
“We only lived together for seven years before sickle cell anemia took us away,” she said.
Furthermore, the president of ADS-Madani pointed out that sickle cell disease is a genetic disease that affects red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.
Most often diagnosed at birth, it results, according to Saoudatou KONE, in anemia, greater vulnerability to infections and painful crises affecting various organs.
“I, Saoudatou KONE, have sickle cell disease as well as my younger brother, Mamady, but we are alive and as long as there is life, there is hope. With this conviction, we decided to create this Association to fight Sickle Cell Disease, alongside other Associations and movements in order to combine our efforts to eradicate this disease outside our country and Africa,” she said. declared in his speech.
For his part, the interim DGA of the Point G CRLD, Professor Yéya known as Sadio SARO, maintained that sickle cell anemia is a genetic and hereditary disease. That is to say, this disease is transmitted from parent to son. He made it known that sickle cell anemia could not be completely cured before reassuring that there is hope for the care of sickle cell patients at the CRLD, at Point G.
Because, according to him, the CRLD prevents patients from suffering from sickle cell anemia.
Professor Yéya known as Sadio SARO advised doing
ADS-Madani launches its activities
FIGHT AGAINST SICKLE CELL DISEASEtests before getting married to see if there is a high chance of giving birth to sickle cell patients. He revealed that forms of the disease are already known, if the victims get together and will give birth to sickle cell patients.
Also, the interim DGA of the CRLD maintained that if the child has sickle cell disease, he must be monitored regularly by a doctor. Because, according to him, there are preventive treatments that could alleviate the suffering of sickle cell patients.
However, Pr. Yéya known as Sadio SARO recalled that his Center was opened in 2010.
From 2010 to the present day, according to him, the Center for Research and Combating Sickle Cell Disease has recorded nearly more than 17,000 cases of registered sickle cell patients. All this number was not planned for the CRLD, he pointed out.
Note that the ceremony launching the activities of the Association of sickle cell patients and sympathizers-Madani was marked by awareness sketches on the sickle cell test.


Info Matin

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