this extremely effective method prevents the proliferation of pests after heavy rains

this extremely effective method prevents the proliferation of pests after heavy rains
this extremely effective method prevents the proliferation of pests after heavy rains

Every summer, the battle against mosquitoes
start again. They buzz in our ears, disrupt our sleep already disturbed by the heat, and leave us with bites that itch terribly. The key to avoiding these inconveniences is prevention : no mosquitoes, no bites. By emptying every week all containers where water can stagnate (such as cans, vases, plant pots, and buckets), this prevents these insects from lay their eggs and considerably reduces their presence.

The recent heavy rains, particularly in the north of France, are likely to bring their share of inconveniences with the return of the sun. This spring, the fourth rainiest since 1957 according to Météo France, left ponds and stagnant water, encouraging the proliferation of mosquitoes. You may have already been disturbed during your evenings on the terrace
by these pests, notably the tiger mosquito, which loves stagnant water under the flower pots or in old buckets.

A good reflex to avoid the proliferation of mosquitoes after heavy rains

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, so it is crucial to remove all possible sources: empty saucers under flower pots, children’s toys, buckets and clogged gutters. Enrich your garden with natural repellents, especially near the swimming pool. Plants like lemongrass, basil, lavender and rose geranium are known to keep mosquitoes away. Cover your pool between each use and use products to maintain clean water, as mosquitoes prefer it.stagnant or stagnant water to reproduce.

Instead of resorting to polluting aerosols or DEET chemical diffusers, opt for natural and effective solutions to repel these intruders. Among these, the
mosquito net proves to be the best ally. Perfect for protecting babies from bites, it can also be used above your bed for a peaceful sleep (a mosquito net for a double bed costs around twenty euros). Just be careful not to lock yourself in with a mosquito, otherwise you’ll have a restless night! To strengthen protection, equip your windows and doors mosquito nets. Although sometimes unattractive, they are extremely effective in preventing these winged visitors from entering your home.

crédit photo : Shutterstock A good thing to do to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes at home

Tools to use to scare away mosquitoes

To keep mosquitoes at bay,
fans are also to be taken advantage of. These pests have difficulty flying in strong air currents, so placing high-speed fans near doors and windows will keep them out, and positioning one near your bed will ensure peaceful nights. Note that light attracts certain nocturnal species, such as Culex pipiens (common mosquito), which feed at night. Opt for yellow tint bulbs rather than white, because they emit light rays that are less perceptible to them.

Lemongrass essential oil, often promoted as a surefire solution against mosquitoes, turns out to be a total myth. According to the experiments of Michel Collin, who exposed mosquitoes to citronella for two days, the latter remained alive, thus belying its presumed effectiveness, as reported Release. As to
ultrasonic bracelets and watches supposed to repel mosquitoes, many experts are categorical: they offer almost no no use. Colorful watches can even attract mosquitoes, and ultrasonic devices have been tested by several laboratories without showing any effectiveness.

Natural and effective solutions to repel mosquitoes

To avoid bites this summer, prefer a electric racket, much more effective than your hands in eliminating mosquitoes. Additionally, mosquitoes are particularly attracted to intense perfumes and body odors like
transpiration. To reduce your attractiveness to these insects, shower daily and avoid strong perfumes and scented lotions
during the hot summer months.

crédit photo : Shutterstock Effective solutions to repel mosquitoes

For a clothing protection, choose light, loose, covering clothing at times when mosquitoes are most active, such as early in the morning and at the end of the day. Avoid dark colors which store heat, preferred by these insects, to
minimize risks bites. You are ready for the summer period to come.



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