“I just ask for a place to sleep…” Suffering from advanced cancer, a 56-year-old man finds himself on the street

“I just ask for a place to sleep…” Suffering from advanced cancer, a 56-year-old man finds himself on the street
“I just ask for a place to sleep…” Suffering from advanced cancer, a 56-year-old man finds himself on the street

the essential
A Strasbourg association is sounding the alarm for this man for whom accommodation compatible with his state of health has not yet been found.

For six months, Mr. E, 56 years old, has been forced to sleep in the streets of Strasbourg (Hauts-de-France), report our colleagues from France 3. Suffering from advanced stage cancer, he is undergoing palliative chemotherapy on an outpatient basis at Hautepierre Hospital. “A doctor wrote a certificate indicating an imperative need for medical care” indicates Sabine Carriou, president of the Les Petites Roues association which helps the fifty-year-old. “He indicated that remaining on the street jeopardized the patient’s short-term vital prognosis.”

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But hosting solutions are not suitable. “A hotel with a bunk bed (top place) was offered to him, but he no longer has the strength to climb. At the Remparts accommodation, everyone has to leave at 8 a.m., and he cannot get up every day, when he is in too much pain” explains Sabine Carriou. “The most suitable solution for him would be to obtain, urgently, a place in the LAM system (Medical reception bed).”

“We find ourselves completely helpless, faced with their distress”

“I’m not asking for much, just a place to sleep and cook to regain a little autonomy,” confides Mr. E, who arrived from Georgia in March 2023 and had his asylum application refused.

The association, whose finances are in the red, paid for a hotel room for him last Friday. “We are aware of around ten serious situations like this, at the moment in Strasbourg. We find ourselves completely helpless, faced with their distress, psychological too,” insists Sabine Carriou.



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